Prepare for Spring Driving in Northern Colorado with Service from Emich VW of Boulder
Service for Spring Driving in Northern Colorado
With spring almost here in Northern Colorado, the opportunity to see all the majesty that our region has to offer in gorgeous weather is fast approaching. Emich VW of Boulder wants to get your family cruiser ready to confidently handle your spring vacation plans and other everyday driving you will be doing. With our team of knowledgeable and friendly service technicians, you can be confident that the service your vehicle gets while it’s at our Service Center is going to keep it running properly long after its time with us is done!
Services to Consider in Spring
Fluid Changes – With the start of a new season comes a great time to consider having various fluids in your Volkswagen checked and/or replaced. These include oil, transmission fluid, and brake fluid. The Emich VW of Boulder service team will be happy to check the current state of your vehicle’s fluids when you schedule an appointment with us. We can then supply brand-recommended fluids to top off or replace what your vehicle currently has.Â
Battery Testing – Winter driving conditions can be extraordinarily taxing on your vehicle’s battery. Thanks to running additional systems such as heated seating and other winter-related amenities, your battery has to keep up with everything while maintaining appropriate power for driving. Cold weather makes this harder on the battery itself as well. Bring your Volkswagen in for an evaluation and let us supply a suitable replacement if you need it!
Cabin & Engine Air Filters – With the emergence of spring comes the reintroduction of unwanted irritants such as pollen. If the filters in your vehicle haven’t been serviced since the beginning of winter, it might be time to have them replaced so they can better trap the things you don’t want to enter the air you breathe. Doing this will also improve your vehicle’s performance by allowing clean air to flow throughout the powertrain.Â
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